What are you doing to improve your oral health care? Are you making sure to keep your teeth clean and safe with optimum oral health care habits? If not, an immediate plan should be devised and set into place to determine what you can do to care for your future smile.
Brushing and flossing should remain a vital part of your life, and a continued path of brushing at least twice every day and flossing once every day should be strictly adhered to. However, as we age, our muscles can fall apart or weaken and our joints can wear out easier. If this happens, try switching to different cleaning products that are easier to operate, such as electric toothbrushes or water flosser.
It’s also important to remove any bad habits and risks from your life that can destroy your oral health profile. This includes unsafe habits such as smoking and chewing tobacco, as well as using drugs, including both prescription and recreational drugs. If you struggle with bad habits and need additional oral health care treatment, make sure to find the time to schedule an appointment with our dentist at our office.
If you would like Dr. Seth Conley and our team at Family Dental Care of New Castle to bring you in for an oral exam to determine which oral health treatments are best for you, please contact our dentist office in New Castle, Indiana, by calling us at 765-529-4300. We can get you on the path to smiles for miles!