A Tooth Lost to Severe Oral Trauma Might Be Replaced With a Dental Bridge

Athletic injuries and vehicular accidents can sometimes impact the mouth with enough force to damage the periodontal ligaments anchoring a tooth in your gums. In some of these cases the patient suffers such severe oral trauma that whatever remains of the tooth needs to be extracted and the gums sutured. After all the affected tissues have fully healed a dentist... read more »

The Facts About Dentures

Dentures are handy appliances when you’re missing all or just a few of your permanent teeth. They can be extremely helpful when you’re looking to enhance your smile and improve your oral health. To help you know more about dentures in New Castle, Indiana, so you can find out if they are the right restoration for you, Dr. Seth Conley... read more »

Oral Health Tips for Seniors

Are you interested in keeping all of your natural teeth as a senior? If so, Dr. Seth Conley and our dental team have some helpful tips and information for you! First, it’s best to care for your smile by keeping up on oral hygiene and visiting your dentist. You need to keep up on oral hygiene by brushing your teeth... read more »

What Are You Doing to Improve Your Oral Health Care?

What are you doing to improve your oral health care? Are you making sure to keep your teeth clean and safe with optimum oral health care habits? If not, an immediate plan should be devised and set into place to determine what you can do to care for your future smile. Brushing and flossing should remain a vital part of... read more »

Did You Know That Dental Implants Can Provide Smile Makeovers?

Did you know that dental implants can provide smile makeovers? With dental implants, you can have natural-looking implants implanted directly into your jawbone for a sturdy hold. A complete smile awaits with dental implants and their many terrific benefits: - Dental implants can overhaul a facial structure that has been damaged due to lost or missing teeth, which often results... read more »

Dentin and Your Sensitive Teeth

Have you ever worried that biting into your favorite snack might hurt? Have you ever been worried to smile because you thought a breeze could hurt your sensitive teeth? If so, you probably understand that sensitive teeth can be extremely uncomfortable, but did you know that you could reverse your sensitivity? Unfortunately, there are several things that could help you... read more »

What Causes TMJ Disorder?

TMJ disorder is a reference to a pain in the temporomandibular joints, which affix the upper/lower jaw bones to the head. The first signs of TMJ disorder manifest themselves as a constant dull ache near the ears or temples, and also as pain when opening or using the mouth. People who grind their teeth at night are the most common... read more »

Tooth Brushing for Kids

Tooth brushing for kids is vital. Not only are kids often at increased risk for cavities, but if their baby teeth are not cared for, it increases the chance that their adult teeth cannot grow in properly. As soon as the first tooth breaks the surface of the gums, you should begin caring for it. Look below for some common... read more »