Are you looking to enhance your look with mouth jewelry such as lip or tongue rings? If so, make sure to consider the risks to your oral health that commonly occur with mouth jewelry. Do you know which oral health ailments mouth jewelry can potentially cause? Here are a few facts concerning mouth jewelry:
– Mouth jewelry, especially tongue jewelry, can cause permanent nerve damage when placed.
– Some individuals may be allergic to the parts in a lip or tongue ring.
– Due to open wounds produced by mouth jewelry, your risk for oral infections rises, including the likelihood of serious infections such as hepatitis or endocarditis.
– Mouth jewelry can make daily oral health care routines more difficult and less effective.
– Due to the size of most mouth jewelry, they are persistent choking hazards that, if broken off, could put your life in danger.
– Typically, individuals find themselves playing with their mouth jewelry with their tongue, which can swing around the pieces and increase your chances of tooth enamel or gum damage.
– Mouth jewelry that contains durable plastic or metal pieces can easily swing around and chip and crack teeth.
If you suffer from damage caused by mouth jewelry, contact our office at 765-529-4300 to see which treatment is right for you. To schedule an oral examination with our dentist, in New Castle, Indiana, Dr. Seth Conley and our team, please contact us at your earliest convenience. We are here to help you get the healthy smile of your dreams!